Settling was first exhibited at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery in Hanley from May to September 2019. The exhibition had two parts; The first was a projection of the Settling Archive and original photographs from contributor’s personal albums, digital versions have been gifted to the City Archives to preserve these stories. The second was a series of diptych portraits by photographer Sam Ivin, made with contributors to the archive. Individuals own images are shown alongside a portrait created by Ivin, reflecting on the experiences that have bought them to Stoke-on-Trent. Audiences were also invited to share their own stories to the exhibition.Tying these different strands together was a large wall of Polaroids at the centre of the show, taken by participants during community workshops.
Purchase the Settling Exhibition Brochure here.
“Fascinating stories, all different, all interesting, all snapshots of people’s lives & real.”
“The variety of heritage on display was great. The diversity in our city doesn’t get talked about enough.”
“Excellent exhibition & response.”
“I learnt about how much we can do as a country to help people in tough situations MORE!
"The work is amazing and so many people involved. I am amazed at the level of detail in the stories told.”
A selection of audience postcards, 168 were received in total during the exhibition.
Val Tyminskis’ photo album on display at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery, 2019
Participant Kaz Hare taking part in a clay pottery workshop taking place as part of British Ceramics Biennial.
Sam Ivin giving an exhibition tour to local primary school children.
Settling Archive, projection, 2019
Audience members were invited to share their own stories of moving to Stoke-on-Trent.
Settling was bought to Keele University where the series was on show from April to June 2021. The exhibition featured a selection of the original diptych portraits, a timeline explaining the history and process of Settling. A new series of short video interviews with Sam Ivin and the participants was produced, giving further insight into people’s lives and explaining how the work came to fruition.
Settling at Keele University, 2021
The Settling Timeline at Keele University 2021
Settling at Keele University 2021
Settling Keele, 2021